Friday 19 June 2015


Which writer coined the word Cyberspace in 1984
William Gibson –


Demeter was the Greek god of what (Ceres Roman)

What film won the 1943 Oscar as best film

What do ungulate animals alone have

Dr Ludwig L Zamenhof invented what 1887 Poland

Who wrote The Picture of Dorian Grey in 1891
Oscar Wilde

Who composed The Planets suit (both names)
Gustav Holst

What links Doric, Ionic, Tuscan, Corinthian and Composite
Classical Architecture

What is phonetic alphabet word for U

Why were women barred from original Olympic Games
Male entries nude

In which USA state is Churchill Downs racetrack
Louisville  Kentucky

In 1867 Lucian B Smith invented what restraint
Barbed Wire

In 1961 which Henry Mancini record won Grammy record of year
Moon River

What links Willie Brant, Lech Walesa, Yasser Arafat
Nobel Peace Prize

Which countries government spends most in social security %

Archaeopteryx was the first what

In 1810 in England Peter Durand invented what
Tin can (food)

Who was offered the presidency of Israel in 1952 (turned down)
Albert Einstein

What is the oldest known infectious disease

A JPEG is a picture file format - what does JPEG stand for
Joint Photographic Experts Group

What is the worlds largest sea (in area)
South China

Which islands wildlife is 90% unique

What are truffles - highly prized as food

Which Game is Played 15 a side and scores 3 or 1 points
Gaelic Football

What was invented in 1855 45 years later than it was needed
Can Opener

What links Sissinnius, Zosimus, Liberius, Sergius V1,Victor II

What is the world largest seed
Coco-de-mare palm – double coconut

Bristlemouths are the worlds most common what

What swims at 1/8 inch an hour

Trypanophobia is fear of what
Inoculations – Injections

Chogori is better know by what boring name

Colonel Jacob Schick invented what in 1928 in USA
Electric Razor

What links Duke Wellington, Earl Derby, Marquis Salisbury
UK Prime Ministers

In 1996 which Celine Dion album Grammy album of year
Falling into You

What weight is the lightest in Amateur Boxing
Light Flyweight

Which country has the worlds biggest (on land) National Park
Canada – Wood Buffalo 17300s ml

What language speakers were shot Russia and Germany 1930s

Ronald Ross campaigned for the destruction of what
Mosquitoes -  stop malaria

Who won two Nobel prizes in different fields
Marie Curie Physics 1903  Chemistry  1911

Name 3rd cent BC Greek mathematician wrote The Elements

Evidence of what alternative treatment found in 5300 mummy

North Fork Roe River - worlds shortest - which US state

In 1879 James Ritty invented what
Cash Register

Who wrote the novel Tom Jones in 1749
Henry Fielding

What links Millionaires, Metropolitans, Black Hawks, Silver seven
Stanley Cup winners Ice Hockey

What country - largest earthquake of 20th cent 8.6 Richter 1906

The okapi belongs to what family of animals

Dimitri Mendeleyev is credited with the discover of what
Periodic Table

What feature of a triangle makes it scalene
Different side lengths

Taphophobia is fear of what
Buried Alive

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