Thursday 18 June 2015


Who sold the most albums on a single day
Elvis 20 million day after death

What was the last item shown on British TV before WW2
Mickey Mouse

What countries people had the longest life expectation

Who said "I like Beethoven especially the poems"
Ringo Starr

What does the entire economy of the island of Nauru depend on
Bird shit  -  Guano fertiliser

John Glen first USA to orbit earth was in which service
US Marine Corps

Oedipus was named after what - literal translation
Swollen feet

What fish can hold objects in its tail
Sea Horse

Who is the most filmed comic strip character

Whose version of A View to a Kill reached 1 in USA 2 in UK
Duran Duran

Which country grows the most potatoes

What does a drosomoter measure

Which English Kings armour has the biggest codpiece
Henry  8

Which country was the first to abolish capitol punishment 1826
Russia Czar Nicholas -  Siberia instead

In law what is a co-parcener
Joint Heir

Which pop group had a hit with Silence is Golden

Greek mathematician cylinder enclosed sphere carved on grave

What does a psephologist study
Voting - Elections

Where would you  find line of Mars - Girdle of Venus
Palm - lines in Palmistry

British call this bird species tits - what do Americans call them

Which country owns the Hen and Chicken islands
North island New Zealand

Who created the TV series - The man from UNCLE
Ian Fleming

Which film director described actors as cattle
Alfred Hitchcock

Shirley Bassey sang three Bond themes - which 3 films
Diamonds are
Forever, Moonraker

Barring rain - in which athletics event would you get wet

What colour is the flesh of the Charentais melon

Who appeared on the first US postage stamps (both names)
Washington - Franklin

Who  was the first person elected to US swimming hall fame
Johnny Weismuller

The guillotine was invented for chopping off what

Which country invented the bedsprings

Whets the difference between fog and mist
Seeing Distance under 1000yd

What did Spanish scientists fit to cows to increase milk yield
False Teeth

What people founded cheese making in England

What is the first name of Mr Toad - in Toad of Toad Hall

Atephobia is a fear of what

What are Grapnel, Bruce, Danforth, Plough types of?

Why did Handel compose The Messiah
For Cash

Red flags flown by French ships - Joli Rouge origin of what name
Jolly Rodger

in which country could you spend a Kwanza

John Henry Deutchendorf famous as who (both names)
John Denver

Mitre Dovetail Jig and Hack are types of what

Tracey and Hepburn first film in 1942 was what
Woman of the Year

Antimacassars were fitted to chairs - what is macasser
Hair oil

Jack Ketch 1663 1686 had what job

Nekal was the first type of what product (Germany 1917)

Who was the first Grand Prix driver to used a safety belt in 1967
Jackie Stuart

The SF award the Hugo is named after Hugo who?

Maurice Micklewhite became famous as who
Michael Caine

What do Ombrophobes fear

If you had a Brassica Rapa what vegetable would you have

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